
SharEEN partners meeting in Rome and international event "SHAREway2event"

On 6th November we had our meeting in Rome summarizing the results of our work so far. Next 2 days we participated with our clients in the event " SHAREway2event"which aim was  to promote debate on the development of sharing economy and the exchange of practices and knowledge in this field.

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Sharing Economy: Business models and innovative platforms

22 November 2019  Ariha Hotel - Rende (CS) ITALY

The event is organized in three sessions. In the first the SharEEN Project is presented, in the second general aspects of the sharing economy are discussed and, finally, in the third specific cases are presented directly by those directly involved.
Event program
14.30 The SharEEN Project 
15.00 Use vs property: business models and possible distortions  
15.45 Innovative platforms for the sharing economy  
16.15 Sharing Economy experiences in Calabria
  Creative Interactions 

Arca de Babel Coworking space

The SharEEN team from the Canary Islands had the chance to visit the coworking space @ArcadeBabel Thank you for sharing your collaborative projects with us! Do you want to know more about them? Info:

Conference + B2B "SHAREway2event"

  SHAREway2event promotes the opportunities and the functioning of Sharing Economy

  and fosters partnerships among EU collaborative platforms.

  7 Nov 2019 - 8 Nov 2019 ROME, Italy


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Open call for sharing economy projects in Italy


ART-ER is looking for ideas and project on sharing economy within the SHAREEN project.

An open call has been launched to apply for coaching and mentoring services.

The call will select up to 5 association, foundation and companies with a business idea on sharing economy projects based in Italy.


The text of the call and all the materials area available (only in Italian) here: