The biggest event in the Canary Islands about sharing economy: Sharing Islands 2018
During the last week of November, Tenerife and Gran Canaria host the biggest sharing economy event of the Canary islands. The event was atended by international experts in the business model based on interaction between users to share goods or services.
Sharing Islands was organised by Commonomia Association, with the collaboration of the Canary Islands Institute of Technology -through the European funding project SharEEN-, the University of La Laguna, the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the Department of Open Government, Social Action and Citizen Attention of the Cabildo de Tenerife, and the areas of Citizen Participation and Economic Development of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria.
Since its inception four years ago, this event was born with the vocation and commitment to build a constructive critical discourse that conciliates innovation and social progress, generating spaces of connection between all actors who are leading the digital and collaborative transformation.
In its different editions some of the challenges of the near future have been tackled, among which we can mention the development of a true collaborative economy centred on the benefit of all and not on that of a few global platforms; the promotion of collaborative territories that strengthen the capacities, encourage creativity and promote the collective intelligence of their inhabitants; the adaptation of island contexts to the emerging experiences of collaborative cities and the commons, as well as the way in which we can renew and update the processes of participation and the mechanisms of citizen collaboration in order to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the new technologies.
During the days 28, 29 and 30 November, a panel of international experts on collaborative models of the economy, had their presentations: Hervé Falciani, known for his role in the Swissleaks scandal and especially involved in anti-fraud and sustainable projects, with public administrations or through European research projects, and currently responsible for, a project concerned with sustainable finance that promotes the participation of all in the financial system through TABU, its sustainable cryptomoneda; David Cuartielles, co-founder of Arduino; Michel Bauwens, founder and director of the P2P Foundation; Cindy Kohtala, researcher of design for sustainability at the University of Aalto, Helsinki; Tomás Díez, director of Fab Lab Barcelona and director of the FabCities project; Ricard Espelt, researcher on the impact of ICT on agro-ecological food consumption cooperatives Alícia Trepat, of the social movement for the Economy of the Common Good (EBC) and connectora OuiShare, Valeria Righi, researcher of Ideas for Change; Albert Cañigueral, founder of and OuiShare community connector for Spain and Latin America; Cristóbal Gracia, member of Platform Design Toolkit; and Carlos Trias, member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).
Lucía Dobarro, presented SharEEN, the pilot project funded by the European Parliament and coordinated by the Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias with the aim of highlighting the business model based on the collaborative economy. Some companies located in the regions of the SharEEN consortium, presented their local initiatives as a professional alternative in the current context of collaborative ecosystems and citizen empowerment. MiPlaza and Canarias eBook platforms, both from the Archipelago, together with the Library of Things and Carrivederci, (from Slovakia) Familiados and La Tierra Colabora (from Navarra, Spain) and Macingo (from Calabria, Italy) presented as successful initiatives of the collaborative model in the European panorama.
On November 29, Tomás Diéz director of Fab Lab Barcelona and director of the FabCities Project organized with ITC and Commonomia Association the workshop “Canary Islands a new Fab City territory “ about how to build a Fab City in our territories.
The day 30th November and 1st of December, took place the workshop “Design and development of collaborative business models supported by platforms” with Cristóbal Gracia and the Commonomia team.
Through the Platform Design Toolkit methodology, along with other knowledge, Cristóbal conducted team dynamics to encourage conversation and reflection on the myths and challenges of designing and developing collaborative platforms.
The objectives of the workshop were, on the one hand, to discover and integrate the basic principles when implementing this type of platform and, on the other, to promote the need to foster a community of practice in order to explore, integrate and successfully implement these platform models in the territory of the islands.
SharEEN is an European pilot project on “Opportunities for European Entrepreneurs in the Sharing Economy”, co-funded by the European Commission under the Call: 251-G-GRO-PPA-16-9953. Grant agreement SI2.763745. The objective of SharEEN is to identify and link-up with collaborative economy platforms, exchange experience with all relevant stakeholders and help European SMEs, social enterprises and other relevant actors to exploit the opportunities offered by the sharing economy. In particular, the project aims at building knowledge and capacity among Enterprise Europe Network partners’ staff and other stakeholders on sharing economy, and help them define and deploy supporting services for their SMEs.
SharEEN map of regional sharing economy initiatives
The map is based on the results of the surveying activity carried out by the SharEEN project in 2018. It includes a brief geo-referenced description of a set of sharing economy initiatives, platforms and companies, operating in the eight European regions covered by the project.